Monday, 6 October 2014


1. Planting and Harvest
2. Training 


The hope village undertook a change in the design of the veggietunnel. This was part of a research that Albie Oelofse and Emmanuel Muyumba conducted. The aim of the research was to determine a medium tunnel for vegetable production that will be double the size of the normal tunnel we have been using. We wanted to research the cheapest way to construct a medium veggietunnel that will be self-standing rather than the normal tunnel we have been using with wire supporting it from the back and the front. 

The current veggietunnel that was implemented is 8m wide, 13m long and 4m high. It is composed of 11 arches of 50mm pipes and 7 lines that holds the arches together tight. The previous tunnels were only having 32mm arches, as part of the change we used 50mm for it proved to be strong. 

This new medium tunnel has been a breakthrough in such a way that we can grow veggies that are succulent and those that grow high such as cucumber and tomatoes. It has availed also more space compared to the planting bags. It is cost effective as well.

Although we are still researching and perfecting the design of the medium tunnel we have had great joy in seeing the crops coming to harvest. Some of the crops that we planted are new to the veggie tunnels at Hope Village and we were delighted to see a great performance.

1. Planting and Harvest

Towards the end of July as winter was coming to end the soil of the medium tunnel was prepared by Emmanuel Muyumba for planting. Since the veggietunnel have been introduced we have only been planting with sand that is clean from pests and diseases. This soil was prepared with compost that was bought, we mixed the sand with compost and some that we made ourselves from the green leaves of that comes from every harvest. 

When we finished getting ready the soil we planted summer crops, as the garden was divided into 12 raised bed of medium size. Each raise bed was intercropped with more than one crop and the tunnel has a great variety of vegetables thus providing a diversified diet to the children of Hope village. The following crops were then planted:

· Cabbage
· Green pepper 
· Tomato
· Beans 
· Peas 
· Butternut 
· Watermelon 
· Cucumber 
· Carrots 
· Eggplant 
· Rap 
· Beetroots 
· Spinach 
· Spanspek
· Chinese Cabbage

Each planting season we introduce a different cultivar and a different crop to add to the productivity of the veggietunnel. This planting term we have introduced 3 different crops: watermelon, Spansperk and cucumber. We have planted two different cultivars of beans such as World class and lazy house wife. 

At the beginning of September which is two months after our planting we have begun to harvest 4 of our crops that were planted for the consumption of our children.

These crops that were harvested are:

· Spinach
· Sweet Peas
· Rap
· Chinese Cabbage

These crops have since then been harvested on a weekly basics. 

Further notice on the planting and harvest is that we applied twice compost for soil fertility during the growth period.

2. Training

During this period of September Hope Village veggietunnel sponsored two people from the Sun community in East Kavango (Bravo) to undergo a 4 days training in Veggietunnel production. They further received a veggietunnel to go implement the skills they have learnt. 

The training that was provided was in the following subject:

· Seasonal Planting
· Crop Rotation
· Planting and Harvesting
· Watering 
· Fertilizer application
· Pest Control
· How to setup the veggie tunnel

They will carry on with the community to implement the skills that they have received in planting for crops that seeds were provided to them. These crops are beetroots, spinach, onions and carrots.


As expressed in the beginning the medium tunnel will still be going under perfection for this will require budgeting and sponsoring. We plan on implementing the medium tunnel in kavango region for food security. 

Report by 

Emmanuel Muyumba
Trainer of Trainers in Urban Horticulture
Hope Village Namibia
 PO Box 4774

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